Pickleball New Year’s Resolutions 2023

The past few weeks leading up to Christmas was the time to let your family know what pickleball or tennis gear you wanted for Christmas.  I have been trying out new pickleball paddles in December and I hope to make a paddle purchase soon.  But most of you presumably already have your new equipment in hand and are ready to try it out on the court.  Now it’s time to make your pickleball wish list for the upcoming year and get back out on the court.

Pickleball Goals for the New Year

Setting goals for the new year is something we normally hear at the office as we prepare to blaze a path for our careers in the year ahead.  But pickleballers are passionate about their games and many players that I know are laser focused on improving their games in the new year. 

I am no different than any other pickleballer so I have set a few goals for myself to improve my game in the upcoming 2023 year.  What about you, what are you hoping to improve with your pickleball game in the upcoming year?  Here is my list:

Lets hear from some of our readers how you hope to improve your game in the new year.  And here’s to having fun on the court each and every time we play and making new friends in the process. 

Happy New Year Pickleballers!